The Revival of Batteries in Home Solar Systems

Explore the evolution of residential solar energy storage, from its early days to the resurgence of battery systems for grid independence.

In the realm of home solar power, history is repeating itself. Initially, when residential solar gained popularity in the late 20th century, battery storage was a staple in nearly all setups. However, the early 2000s saw a shift away from batteries due to government incentives like net metering and tax credits, which favored grid-tied systems without the need for battery backup.


But as we navigate away from net metering and more homeowners aim for independence from the grid, the demand for durable, environmentally friendly, and economically beneficial batteries is making a strong comeback. John Cromer, the Director of Product at Fortress Power, notes this trend as a natural cycle. The industry has moved from widespread battery use to minimal, and now, it's swinging back to widespread adoption.


The Beginnings of Home Energy Storage


Originally, homeowners turned to solar and batteries mainly out of necessity—either due to their remote locations or the cost-prohibitive nature of grid connection. Back then, bulky lead acid batteries were the norm, allowing off-grid living but at the cost of frequent replacements due to their intolerance to deep discharges.

Despite the obvious need for better solutions, policy shifts temporarily sidelined the battery storage discussion.


The Shift with Net Metering


The introduction of the solar investment tax credit (ITC) and the concept of net metering in the mid-2000s significantly impacted the solar landscape. The solar ITC catalyzed industry growth, while net metering allowed homeowners to sell excess power back to the grid, effectively reducing or eliminating their electricity bills. This model, though beneficial for reducing upfront costs and encouraging solar adoption, downplayed the role of batteries.


Today's Changing Landscape


Fast forward to the present, the tide is turning. The diminishing presence of net metering, coupled with technological advancements and shifting priorities, is reigniting interest in battery storage. Cromer highlights the evolving policies, such as expanded tax credits for batteries and time-of-use rates, which present new economic incentives and support for grid independence without the contention surrounding net metering.


The Need for Solar Batteries Now


As the reliability of the grid comes into question, with incidents like the rolling blackouts in California, the value of having a battery backup becomes clear. Not only do batteries offer protection during outages, but they also address the challenges posed by aging infrastructure and the increasing demand on the grid. Moreover, with strict regulations limiting the use of generators in places like California, batteries offer a viable alternative, aligning with time-of-use rates to enhance economic benefits.


Cromer suggests a shift in industry focus towards optimizing battery storage rather than just maximizing solar panel output. This approach not only benefits homeowners by providing more reliable and efficient energy solutions but also opens new markets for installers. The future of solar, it seems, is incomplete without the inclusion of battery storage.


This evolving narrative marks an exciting chapter in the journey of residential solar energy, highlighting the cyclical nature of technology and policy, and underscoring the enduring value of battery storage in achieving energy independence and sustainability.


For those looking to integrate or upgrade their solar energy storage solutions, EverExceed offers a range of high-quality products designed to enhance the efficiency and reliability of your home solar system. Learn more about our solutions at

Recommend Home Solar System Kits to You

As energy costs continue to rise and environmental concerns become more pressing, many homeowners are turning to renewable energy solutions to power their homes. One of the most effective and sustainable options available today is the home solar system kit. These kits provide a practical and eco-friendly way to harness the power of the sun, transforming sunlight into electricity that can power everything from lights and appliances to heating and cooling systems.

Home solar system kits are designed to be user-friendly and adaptable, making it easier than ever to transition to solar energy. Whether you’re looking to reduce your monthly energy bills, become more energy independent, or contribute to a greener planet, a solar system kit can be a worthwhile investment. These kits come in a variety of sizes and configurations, catering to different power needs and budgets, from small starter kits perfect for beginners to comprehensive systems for off-grid living.

With advancements in solar technology, today's solar kits are more efficient, reliable, and easier to install than ever before. Many kits include all the necessary components such as solar panels, inverters, charge controllers, and batteries, ensuring a seamless setup process. Additionally, modern solar panels are designed to be durable and long-lasting, often coming with warranties that guarantee performance for decades.

Transitioning to solar energy not only provides significant cost savings over time but also increases the value of your property and reduces your carbon footprint. By generating clean, renewable energy, you are contributing to a sustainable future and helping to combat climate change.

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